Who is paul.itiCs?
Writer | Poet | Filmmaker
paul.itiCs is a Christian spoken word canvas, who uses the creative arts as an outlet to propagate the Gospel, in a more relatable fashion to youths, and young adults.
paul.itiCs uses his writings, and love of the arts as a unique platform of evangelism. He writes & creates contentiously "outside the box;" by modeling his pieces/projects around the social, cultural, and political trends of the modern age, and juxtaposing them alongside the principles of the Gospel: Hope, Love, Peace, Grace & Forgiveness.
A native of Nigeria, West Africa, Paul prides himself as a food & sports enthusiast. In addition to poetry/spoken word, Paul is an adventurer, who has a great affinity for music & nature, in which he draws his creative inspiration from. Aside from the creative arts, the poet works in healthcare administration, and spends his free time mentoring youths, while advocating for education, health equity and humanitarian rights/relief.