As we inch closer to the general election, one of the questions that seem to be at the forefront of discussion in the community of faith, is “as Christians, which party, or whom should we cast our votes for?” Many of you just read that, and implicitly made that decision in your head. Considering the year we’ve had, and the constant state of polarity the people have found themselves in, it’s understandable. However, this is not meant to sway anyone in a specific way, but rather to provide context & open your hearts to a different approach, and thereafter let the Holy Spirit guide you accordingly, because quite frankly there is no precise Christian way to vote, but there is a Christ-like perspective to approach the process.
As Believers, we are constantly reminded that our citizenship is in Heaven (Phillippians 3:20), not here on earth. Peter reminds us in 1 Peter 2 that we are foreigners and exiles in our society, which means our allegiance is not to our temporary land, but instead to our place of origin. We are ambassadors of Heaven, sent on duty to this foreign land, until our term expires. Our duty not only includes the great commission, but also being present in seeking the good of the land God placed us in. We see this in Jeremiah 29, when God uses the Prophet to convey a message to:
“seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” - Jeremiah 29:7
As citizens of America, we have a responsibility to vote, but as citizens of Heaven, we have the responsibility to seek and bring good & welfare to our current land, and in many ways our ability to do the latter is contingent on how we do the former. Our vote is one of the primary ways we can advocate for, and participate in our society to bring about the common good & welfare for others.
With that being said, how do we use our vote to bring good for others? Once again, I’m sure you inserted your best political candidate or preferred party, and presumably justified it with their “history” on specific stances. However, no matter how you justify it, there is no party that is perfect, as both have a long history of egregious affairs, dating back to the formation of the country- most of which they’ve justified in the name of religion. In fact, both major parties collectively are a perfect representation that man at its very best will still always fall short. No singular party can, therefore, claim exclusivity to God’s favor, or on christian/Godly stances. Should we want a truly Christ-like political party, then we’d have to create a 3rd major party, because the 2 existing ones aren’t credible ones. Even if we do create it, its “righteousness” won’t endure - we would be naive to truly expect God’s Kingdom to shrink and fit perfectly into man’s political construct.
The good news about it all is that because we serve a sovereign God, He is able to use any man or woman, of any race, partisanship, and dare I say - religion, to fulfill His plans. The same God who allowed Barack Obama to be president, allowed Donald Trump to mount the same office, and is the same God who will allow whoever He desires to be sworn in the new year. God picks the winners, not according to policies, but according to their role in HIS divine will (whether as punishment, or as a vessel), and for HIS Glory alone.
While it is important to let your voice be heard, your trust should not be placed in chariots led by donkeys or elephants, but instead in the name of the Lord, it is the only fortress that remains constant. Our God is the LION and the LAMB! A roaring Lion in the presence of injustice, yet still merciful enough to be the sacrificial Lamb for the same ones who persecute Him, and reject His teachings & principles.
Around this time, many people will look at the same teachings of Christ, and pick the one most compatible with their personal views and allow it to be the deciding factor. In fact, most people’s process in deciding who to cast their ballot for is vastly influenced by specific singular issues; from stances and policies relating to national security & economic prosperity, to social justice & morality. While any of these issues can hold more weight personally, the singular issue that should precede & supersede all, should be that of each particular candidate’s response to God’s greatest mandate, i.e how they love God, with their entire being (mind, heart & even tongue), and how they show forth love to their neighbors (Mark 12:30-31). While it is easy to pick and choose social, economic, or moral issues that fit our doctrines best, the last part of verse 31 is the most crucial lesson for all who consider themselves followers of Christ, “for there is no commandment greater than these.” With this being our guide, we should understand that prioritizing specific issues above the greatest commandment is incompatible with the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. When we vote, no singular issue should precede the greatest commandment, instead we should prioritize it & vote according to what we justifiably believe will help us fulfill that mandate.
If your vote is predicated on your pro-life stance, ensure that your voice is equally as loud for the violation of that same life’s rights when they grow up, regardless of their gender, or race, especially those endangered by the punitive justice system. If not, your vote isn’t really substantiating the sanctity of life, but instead on being pro-birth.
If your vote is predicated on your stance in dismantling the system, ensure your voice is equally loud in the presence of oppression, manipulation & abuse that the system allows to flow from the pulpit. If not, you’re equally complicit, and your vote is cowardly selective.
Additionally, if your vote is somehow predicated on one mortal being’s ability to bring true justice, remember that the last grand jury that Jesus Himself faced, had all the objective evidence laid out before them and mortal beings still chose to sideline justice (albeit for Salvation). The only Being capable of bringing true justice is not a supreme court nominee, but instead the same one who will preside over your testimonial, and ask what you did with your talents .. what you did with your voice.
We are directed as Christians to call out evil, and cling to good. We’re called to use our faith, as a tool to protect the oppressed & marginalized, not as a weapon to alienate. Your vote is a privilege, your voice is a gift. So let your vote be the voice that echoes loudly for the welfare of your neighbors. To love your neighbor is to protect them, it isn’t to force your beliefs on them, it isn’t to subjectively choose which ones to extend that love to, but to care for each and every single one of them, to mourn with those who mourn, comfort those who need it, and to be opposed to what hates them.
After we’ve cast our vote, the journey continues, & we should continue living our lives like we cast our voice to represent (Psalm 15). Faith without works is dead, and works without faith is futile. Let’s not become nominal Christians, but ones whose actions are living testaments of our faith, and a direct reflection of what we pray for. Regardless of who inhabits the office afterwards, we are still commanded to pray for our leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-3). Additionally, if we understand that everything that fuels the political, & societal fabric of our republic, is a spiritual matter, then we understand why we need to be more spiritually attuned than ever before. After all we struggle not against flesh and blood, but against greater spiritual forces (Ephesians 6:12), so we need to be vigilant, and be prepared.
Lastly, in today’s age where conservative christians & liberal christians quarrel so openly, let’s remember that it’s our last name that unifies us, it’s the latter name that truly matters, and it’s the only one that will. Even if your preferred choice isn’t God’s selected, let’s be reminded that even in our failure, God’s mystifying, yet immaculate will still be accomplished. So, until the next 2-4 years, you have everyday to pray for your leaders, to speak on behalf of those without voices, and to do the work that aims to bring welfare, peace, healing and reconciliation to our foreign land. We all need mercy, and we all need Grace, and just as much as it has been given freely (yet at the utmost cost), we too then must offer the same amongst ourselves. Earthly leaders will come and go, but the kingdom of Heaven & its governing authority will reign forever.
P.S. when you exercise your voting power, it shouldn’t only be reflected in presidential elections, local elections take place more frequently than the quadrennial one, and tends to have more of a direct impact on your everyday life.